On the first day of the adventure south programme on camp we did the Tyroleand Traverse activity. As it says on the screenshot of the comic life I made on the Tyrolean traverse, here are the steps we went through.
3. After a 10 minute hike through the bush we got to a creek (that was a size of a river). We learnt that we were going to cross the river being only attached to a piece of rope!
3. Then we had to find a tree that we were going to to tie the rope to. After that we had to cross a wobbly bridge nearby with the rope and then find the tree we were going to attach to it on the other side.
4. We learnt some knots that we used to attach the rope to the trees. One of the knots was the no knot knot.
5. Then we had to be attached to the rope and then you had
to cross the rope ( it definitely hurts your hands) to get to the other side. But there is a twist which is that you were being pulled up by the people in your group so if the let go you would get dunked! Also when I asked to ahve a swing and to go down for a sip of water from the creek below!
6.Lastly, once I had finished I had an amazing feeling, the feeling that I had completed the Tyrolean traverse!