Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Market Day Fundraiser

As I said the Year 6s at my school had a fundraiser on Monday for Year 6 camp at Stewart Island later in the year. The fundraiser was called Market Day. At Market Day the Year 6's would get into a small group and sell bakery, have raffles and competitions and things like that for the rest of thge school and other people who came along. I buddied up with a couple of mates and we had a stall called 'The Three Weirdos'. At that stall we sold popcorn, sherbet, lollie bugs, gingerbread men and gingerbread Easter bunnies. We also had a game of basketball shooting with a yummy prize at the end. Some of these items were a sell out and some weren't. We were also going to have Ten Pin Bowling but it turned out to windy. In the end all the Year 6's raised $1730 together. This was the second highest score in history of Market Day and it would have one if the won that bet it did'nt have a second fundraiser which would have earned them $300. Altogether it was a great day. If you would like to see the post before Market Day you would find it under Market Day on the 'Labels'.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew,

    Who made the gingerbread men? YUM! I hope you got some photos of your stall, and the three weirdos that were running it!

