Tuesday 29 March 2011

Multiple Intelligences

Hi, guys Andrew here again. This post is going to be about Multiple Intelligences. Now you will probably be wondering what Multiple Intelligences are so I will tell you. Some people might think you are either smart or not smart but actually there are actually 8 different 'smarts'. They are: Bodily-Kinaesthetic (Body smart), Logical-Mathmatical (Math smart), Musical (Music smart), Interpersonal (People smart), Intrapersonal (Self smart), Naturalist (Nature smart), Visual-Spatial (Picture smart), and Verbal-Linguistic (Word smart). My best was the Math smart and the Self smart. I think these results are better then the others because I like solving problems and I prefer working on my own than working in a group. My worst is Nature smart and I think this is because you hardly see me outside and I think I can improve on this by encouraging myself to go outside more. I will show you the full results in another post as I don't have much time now. Sorry to keep you waiting but it should be on here very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure there's not a word smart in there Andrew?? You continue to impress me with your way of recording your thoughts. You've explained the MIs clearly and you have a very strong Writer's Voice - this is what makes your writing 'sound' as though you are speaking directly to the reader. Only talented writers can do this well. :-)
    I can't wait to read the next post. Have a lovely day at Enrich tomorrow and tell me all about your learning on Thursday.
