Wednesday 29 June 2011


For writing this week we were working on 'instruction writing' so we made some instructions on how to do something.

What is quicksand?

Quicksand is normal sand and upwelling water. This makes it act like liquid. However quicksand unlike water doesn't let go without a fight. In ways you could say it acts like a vacuum cleaner and kills you. If you go in quicksand you will sink into the ground, you won't be able to breathe, so you die.

How to escape from quicksand.

Equipment Needed: Stout Pole

1. When you start to sink in the murderous quicksand put the pole on top of the quicksand.

2. Go on your back, on the stout pole. After a couple of minutes the equilibrium (the balance between to forces) in the quicksand will achieve and you will no longer sink.

3. Then put the pole in a different place which is under your hips. Also have it at right angles with your spine.

4. Move on the quickest route to firmer ground.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Emotional Safety

The world can be a very danderous place. So you need to know how to be safe. One of the ways you need to be safe is 'emotionally' safe. Emotional danger is when somebody tries to hurt your feelings. Some examples of being hurt emotionally are name calling, pointing, and laughing at people.

Here are some ways of staying emotionally safe:

-Bring a friend.

-Change the topic.

-Crack a joke.

-Change the place where it's happening.

I suggest you try these if you are getting bullied emotionally.

Friday 17 June 2011

What makes a Kiwi?

New Zealand is a fantastic country.  New Zealanders are also known as Kiwis.  But what makes a kiwi?

Food is one of the that makes Kiwis, Kiwis.  They are known for pavalova, Fish & Chips and Watties tomato sauce. They are also known for oysters, jaffas and loads more. People would say these things because of their fantastic love for them!

Another thing that makes a Kiwi is what Kiwis wear.  It is normally like a cold fridge in N.Z. so they wear swandris to keep them warm and red band gumboots for out on the muddy farm.  If there is some warm weather they are known to pop on there jandals (which are a bit like sandals).  Jandals are known as flip-flops in some other countries.

Values take a giant part in a Kiwi's nature.  They have a 'can do' spirit so they are normally always persisting.  They also greatly value their family and friends, and the environment.

New Zealanders also love corrugated iron, a deck, rugby, and loads more.  Their special holidays are ANZAC Day, Labour Day and they have a summer Christmas.  Their main icons are the kiwi and the fern.  Their main heroes are the All Blacks.  Go the All Blacks!!!                                                                                                                      

In conclusion, I think New Zealand is a great country. I hope this helps you know what makes a Kiwi.

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Tuesday 14 June 2011

My Problem Solving Hero

Over the last few weeks my class was working on problem solving.  So we made our own Problem Solving Heroes and this is mine.

My hero is a perfect problem solver.  He is called Astro-Solver and solves problems as quick as lightning.

He lives in a tiny hut in the forest and it contains a secret tunnel underground to his underground secret lab.  The lab contains all his strategies, from figuring out maths problems to ways of defeating supervillians that are going to take over the world.

Unlike most super heroes he doesn't fly through the sky, because when he was young he studied teleportation.  So now he teleports to his destination.  Does this make him better?

Now as I said he solves problems as fast as lightning and that is sort of because he uses lightning. He shoots the lightning which contains the strategy out of what he calls lightning-fork.  As soon as the strategy hits the problem, the problem disappears and the solution is found.

Will anybody or anything stop Astro-Solver?                                                                                   Screen shot 2011-06-13 at 8.31.35 AM

Friday 10 June 2011

Learner Profiles

In Room 8 our terrific teacher Mr Herring has set up a thing called Learner Profiles. They are a mixture of topics which you have to choose out of. The one you choose is going to be the one you will work on for the rest of the week. The one I chose is 'A Questioner'. I chose this because I need to ask questions about the things I wonder about, and not keep them in my head. I think I will probably be working on 'A Questioner' for at least a week.

What is a blog?

A blog is an ICT (Information Communication Technology) tool. It is on the computer and internet-based. Blog stands for web log which is a 'log' on the internet.

Blogs can be used for showing your learning, telling people about yourself, telling people about this amazing adventure you have had, well, basically anything! Other people can have a look on your blog. They could also give you feedback or their ideas, even if they are on the other side of the world!!!

But, you may not want everyone to see it and of course you have to stay safe. So you could change settings so only some people can see your blog. Or only some people be able to to post a comment on it, or nearly anything! Also make sure you know what you are clicking on because it might be a trap!

Now a blog might seem to you like a story book on the internet but it is much better than that! Their are awesome themes and fantastic backgrounds you can can change your blog to. You can also and widgets and gadgets, photos and movies and loads more!

So that's what a blog is, so I would recommend that you try it out!!!